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PORTaPitT Solid Steel Advanced Shot Put (12 lb)


PORTaPiT  |  SKU: AC-1101508

Expertly designed for advanced throwers, this solid steel shot has been meticulously machine turned to achieve varying diameters. Each shot has been precisely lathe turned and balanced for optimal performance, ensuring a smooth and long-lasting finish thanks to its durable polyurethane paint coating.

Shot Selection Criteria:
Determination of the correct diameter is based on the fingers being in proper throwing position placed behind the shot. To obtain proper fitting of the shot to the ability of your athlete.

1. Finger length is critical. The shot must rest on the Pad (callus) of the palm and the fingers must be up the side of the shot. Throwers with "shorter" fingers may find that the smaller diameter shot feels better at delivery & those with longer fingers may like the feel of the larger diameter.

2. The final decision is a personal choice by the thrower and you may need 2-3 diameters to fit the whole team. From a Biomechanical point of view, the larger shots give a greater contact area & push zone.